Under the Influence is a 6-part, comedy web series about an over-ambitious and under-talented idiot named Rafe who has two weeks to become Instagram famous. But he won’t!
You can watch all episodes on the “Watch the Show” tab!
rafe parker blood - writer/director
Hello! I'm a writer, director and sometimes comedy performer in Los Angeles.
I got my first smart phone in 2015 and only discovered what I now know as 'Influencers' months later when I had graduated and was looking for jobs (I had a lot of free time on my hands). I felt cheated that no one had asked me to be an influencer. I found that the worst parts of me wanted desperately to be liked and seen in the world of Instagram and the best parts of me wanted to resist it altogether. I realized a lot of comedy could happen in the tension between those two versions of me and "Under the Influence" is the result of that. I hope you enjoy!
Favorite Movie: I tell people it's To Kill A Mockingbird and it kind of is, but Paddington 2 is really the only top choice
Favorite TV Show: Currently Fleabag (30 Rock is my forever flame)
Favorite Dairy: Butter
Dream Collaboration: Tracy Morgan
Best Night Out: ...is short and includes a food I can't get at home.
Best Night In: ...is often and probably includes a microwaveable version of the previous food.
Favorite Instagram account you follow: My sister! She posts photos of my nieces I'm obsessed with - but family only!
Have you ever been fired? Not yet!
Give us an Elevator Pitch: A "Save as Draft" feature for human thoughts!
What's your skincare routine in one sentence? I use soap and hope for the best!
What's your favorite fitness activity? I usually have great days when I run in the mornings...so I should try doing that!
Best Dating App Starting Line: Open with your pin number and let the conversation flow from there!
What's one way to get more likes on Instagram? Have more friends!
Hey there! I'm an LA-based filmmaker and development exec. I'm a curmudgeon when it comes to social media, but if we're being honest, my bitterness likely stems from my inability to take a good selfie. Only a few things in life bring me joy: cake and being on set. And I guess also working with talented friends, such as the ones that worked on this show. I hope this series resonates with you in some way, and makes you laugh, cry, and ponder the meaning of life. But mostly laugh.
Favorite Movie: Juno
Favorite TV Show: Seinfeld
Favorite Dairy Product: CHEESE. The sharper the better. I want my cheese to be able to slice other cheese.
Dream Collaboration: Lucille Ball. Or if if has to be someone living, Tina Fey.
Best Night In: PJs + movies
Best Night Out: Live music + friends
Favorite Instagram account you follow: Popeye the Foodie. Or What is Florence Wearing.
Have you ever been fired? No. But there's always tomorrow.
Give us an Elevator Pitch: Feature film idea: blue whales that sing to protect their community from danger (story credit: 5 year old me)
What's your skincare routine in one sentence? Wash, dry, moisturize.
What's your favorite fitness activity? Walking... does that count?
Best Dating App Starting Line: "Hey, what's up?" (I like to start slow and ramp up)
What's one way to get more likes on Instagram? Make a bunch of fake accounts and use them to like your posts. Create your own destiny!